My Sticky Password installations aren’t syncing. What should I do?

Please verify that:

  1. All your Sticky Password installations are connected to the same StickyAccount (installations have to be connected to the same StickyID, you can verify this in the main Sticky Password Settings – My StickyAccount)
  2. Your Sticky Password Premium subscription is active. You can check it at . Sign in to your StickyAccount using your StickyID and Master Password and check your license info on the Dashboard tab. If your Sticky Password Premium subscription expires, your license will be switched to Sticky Password Free, which doesn´t have the sync feature. To restore the sync feature, it will be necessary to renew your Sticky Password Premium license.
  3. You are not getting a synchronization error when you try to sync your database (you can verify this by looking in the left lower corner of the main Sticky Password user interface window on your Sticky Password for Windows installation). If an error message appears in the connection button, please contact our customer support.

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