I'm upgrading to Sticky Password Premium. Should I back up my database?


When installing Sticky Password Premium on a computer where an earlier version of Sticky Password is already installed (i.e. Sticky Password 6.0, 5.0, 4.1), all of the data from your existing database will be automatically imported into Sticky Password Premium. Because of the newly designed database used in Sticky Password, a reverse ‘migration’ to earlier versions of Sticky Password is not available. For this reason, we recommend that you save a copy of your current password database, just in case you decide for any reason to reinstall your previous version of Sticky Password.

To make a copy of your database:

Copy the default.pws file, which can be found in the Documents/Sticky Passwords folder, and save it in another location (folder) on your computer. If you wish to save it in the same folder, it will be necessary to change the name of the file (e.g. oldpassworddatabase.pws).

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