Contactless Connect

How to add a new Identity


Sticky Password recognizes when you are registering on a website and offers you to save your personal details as an Identity, which you can use to quickly fill out online forms.

Adding a new Identity

  1. Make sure that Sticky Password is unlocked. Fill out the registration form on any website and submit it.

    How to add a new Identity - Fill out the registration form on any website and submit it
  2. Sticky Password will prompt you to save a new Web Account. Click Add.

    How to add a new Identity - click Add.
  3. If there are no saved Identities, yet, Sticky Password will prompt you to save a new Identity. You can change the name or edit fields. Click Add.

    How to add a new Identity - click Add.

Using a saved Identity

  1. The next time you come across an online form that you’d like to fill out, simply click into any field in the form.

  2. Sticky Password will offer you a list of your saved Identities. Select the Identity you would like to use to fill out the form.

    How to add a new Identity - select Identity.

Editing an Identity

  1. Click the Sticky Password toolbar icon. How to add a new Identity - click Sticky Passowrd toolbar icon.

  2. Click Identities, then click the arrow next to Identity you want to edit.

    How to add a new Identity - click to the arrow next to selected Identity.
  3. Click Edit.

    How to add a new Identity - click Edit.

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