Sticky Password for Mac overview


Native autofill support (using ‘extensions’) is available for Google Chrome, Firefox and Safari.

Synchronization between your various devices is performed either via the secure Sticky Password cloud or locally via your local Wi-Fi.

Installation on the Mac is very similar to installing Sticky Password on Windows computer. You’ll be prompted to sign into an existing StickyAccount, or to create a new one. As indicated earlier, your StickyAccount is the online administrative account that allows you to manage your devices that are authorized to access your encrypted database.

Sticky Password for Mac allows you to synchronize your password data with Apple’s iCloud Keychain password management system by importing passwords stored in the Keychain and securely storing the data in the encrypted Sticky Password database. You’ll be able to use Sticky Password to sync your Keychain passwords with your other devices (iOS, Windows or Android).

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