Sticky Password Installer Command Line Parameters and Exit Codes


This FAQ provides detailed information about the command line parameters and exit codes available for our application's installer. These parameters and codes could be used by IT administrators who require tailored and automated deployment of our product in team environments.

The Sticky Password installer is built using Inno Setup, which provides a stable and flexible framework for installation processes. For detailed information on supported command line parameters and their functionalities, please consult the Inno Setup Documentation. This article includes a list of custom parameters and exit codes that are specific to the Sticky Password installer, extending the default capabilities of Inno Setup.

Command Line Parameters

Detailed list of command line parameters supported by InnoSetup.

/nolaunch: Skip launching Sticky Password after successful installation.

Installer Exit Codes

Detailed list of command line exit codes supported by InnoSetup.

100: another installation is already in progress.

101: the disk space is full.

102: Restart is required to complete installation.

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