Contactless Connect

How to add a new Web Account

Windows, Mac

Sticky Password recognizes when you are logging in to a new Web Account and prompts you to save it in the encrypted database. The next time you visit the website, Sticky Password will populate your login and password, and log you in.

Adding a new Web Account

  1. Make sure that Sticky Password is unlocked. Visit a website you’d like to save in Sticky Password. Login just like you usually do by entering your login and password and clicking the Sign in button.

    How to add a new Web Account - click Sign in.
  2. Sticky Password will prompt you to save a new Web Account. Click Add.

    How to add a new Web Account - Click Add.

Launching a Web Account

There are many ways you can launch any of your saved Web Accounts. The most convenient way is to launch your Web Account from the Sticky Password toolbar icon.

  1. Click the Sticky Password toolbar icon.

    How to add a new Web Account - click Sticky Password toolbar icon.
  2. Click Web Accounts and select the saved account that you’d like to use.

    How to add a new Web Account - Sticky Password run your Web Account and log you automatically in.
  3. Sticky Password will launch your Web Account and log you in.

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