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Installing the Sticky Password extension to your browsers on Windows


To use Sticky Password, you’ll need to add it to your browser. The Sticky Password browser extension is the bit of technology that types your passwords for you when you log in to your favorite sites, so you don't have to.

The Sticky Password autofill extension is easy to manage for all of your browsers (e.g. if Sticky Password autofill isn’t working). You can install or re-install the extension at any time—through the application’s settings or directly from your browser. Let’s take a closer look.

Managing extensions through Sticky Password Settings

  1. Click the Sticky Password icon in the notification area to open the application.

    Or, double click on its icon on your desktop.

  2. Click the Menu button and select Settings.

  3. Click the Supported browsers tab. The browsers installed on your computer are at the top of the list. (You’ll see these logos in full color). The autofill extension can be (re-)installed by clicking the Install/Uninstall button.

For your convenience, we have made tutorials with a step-by-step description of how to install and manage the extension in each popular browser:

  • Google Chrome;

  • Mozilla Firefox;

  • Opera;

  • Microsoft Edge;

  • Brave;

  • Tor Browser;

  • DuckDuckGo;

    • Managing the extension directly in your browser

      Google Chrome

      1. Open your browser, click the menu icon in the top right corner and select Extensions - Manage Extensions.

      2. Here you’ll see all your installed extensions. Make sure that the Sticky Password autofill function is enabled by clicking the Disable/Enable button.

      Mozilla Firefox

      1. Open your browser, click the menu icon in the top right corner and select Add-ons and themes (or press Ctrl + Shift + A).

      2. Click Extensions and themes.

        Or, click on the Extensions icon in the top right corner and select Extensions.

      3. All your installed extensions will be listed here. Make sure that the Sticky Password autofill function is enabled by clicking the Disable/Enable button.


      1. Click Menu and select Extensions (or press Ctrl + Shift + E).

      2. All your installed extensions will be listed here. Make sure that the Sticky Password autofill function is enabled by clicking the Disable/Enable button.

      Microsoft Edge

      1. Open your browser, click on the Extensions icon in the top right corner and select Manage extensions.

      2. All your installed extensions will be listed here. Make sure that the Sticky Password autofill function is enabled by clicking the Disable/Enable button.


      1. Open your browser, click the Menu icon and select Extensions.

        Or, click on the Extensions icon in the top right corner and select Manage extensions.

      2. All your installed extensions will be listed here. Make sure that the Sticky Password autofill function is enabled by clicking the Disable/Enable button.

      Tor Browser

      1. Open your browser and click the Menu icon. Select Add-ons and themes.

      2. All your installed extensions will be listed here. Make sure that the Sticky Password autofill function is enabled by clicking the Disable/Enable button.


      Due to the specificity of the DuckDuckGo browser, you can manage the extension directly through the application. You can find detailed information on how to enable Sticky Password for the browser here.

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