Contactless Connect

Organizing data using groups on Mac


Do you like having everything nice a tidy? Organize your Sticky Password data using groups on your Mac. Let’s take a look at how to create groups for your Web Accounts, and how to manage your Web Accounts using the groups you create.

Creating a group

  1. Open the Sticky Password main window and click Add Group.

    Cleaning up your database on Mac - click Add Group
  2. Enter a name for your group, select an icon (or leave the default) and click OK.

    Cleaning up your database on Mac - enter a name and click OK.

Moving your Web Accounts into a group

  1. Select the Web Account you would like to move into a group and click Edit.

    Cleaning up your database on Mac - edit your Web Account.
  2. Click into the Group field. A list of the groups you have created will appear. Select the one you’d like to use for the Web Account and click Save.

    Cleaning up your database on Mac - Select the group and click Save.
  3. Now you can move all your Web Accounts into groups. And just like that, you've cleaned up your Web Accounts!

    Cleaning up your database on Mac - Move all your Accounts to groups.


To delete a Group you’ve created and ungroup all the Web Accounts in the group, just right click the group and select Ungroup.

Cleaning up your database on Mac - ungrouping.

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