Contactless Connect

Handling accounts with multiple logins on Android


If you're like most people, you have at least one website or online account with more than one user login. Let's see how Sticky Password easily handles multiple logins for a single account.

How to Add a New Login

  1. Tap Web Accounts.

    Tap Web Accounts.
  2. Select the Account for which you want to add a new login. I'm going to use Twitter in this example.

    Tap Twitter.
  3. Tap the Menu button in the upper right corner.

    Tap Menu.
  4. Select Edit.

    Select Edit.
  5. Now you can see your login for Twitter. Tap Add new login to add the login and password for a second account.

    Add Login.
  6. Enter your Login and Password. You can also set an Expiration date or include some info in the Description. Tap the green check button to confirm your entry.

    Tap Add.

Launching an Account with multiple logins

  1. Tap Launch.

    Tap Launch.
  2. Sticky Password supports several browsers on Android devices. Each offers a slightly different way of handling accounts, and you'll be prompted to select your preferred browser.


    Be sure to check out the tutorials for supported browsers:

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