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How to set up PIN authentication on your iPhone or iPad


Sticky Password supports optional PIN protection for accessing the app on your iOS device. When choosing this option, you'll be able to enter a convenient 4-digit pin that you create instead of your Master Password when unlocking your Sticky Password.

  1. Run Sticky Password. Tap the Menu button in the upper left corner.

    How to set up PIN authentication on your iPhone or iPad - Tap Menu button.
  2. Select Settings.

    How to set up PIN authentication on your iPhone or iPad - tap Settings.
  3. Tap App protection.

    How to set up PIN authentication on your iPhone or iPad - tap app protection.
  4. Enter your Master Password and tap OK.

    How to set up PIN authentication on your iPhone or iPad - enter Master Password.
  5. Tap Protection type.

    How to set up PIN authentication on your iPhone or iPad - tap Protection type.

  6. Select PIN.

    How to set up PIN authentication on your iPhone or iPad - select PIN.
  7. Set your 4 digit PIN.

    How to set up PIN authentication on your iPhone or iPad - set your PIN.
  8. Confirm your PIN.

    How to set up PIN authentication on your iPhone or iPad - confirm your PIN.
  9. You’re all set! Now you can unlock Sticky Password using the 4 digit PIN you created.

    Note: To unlock Sticky Password with your Master Password instead of your PIN, simply tap Enter Master Password.

    How to set up PIN authentication on your iPhone or iPad - unlock Sticky Password.

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