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How to download the Sticky Password app from Google Play on Android


Downloading and installing Sticky Password through Google Play is very easy. This tutorial is for beginners who are getting ready to download Sticky Password on their Android device for the first time.

  1. Open Google Play store on your Android device and search for "Sticky Password manager & safe" using the search field. Or you can use this direct link. Then tap INSTALL.

    How to download the Sticky Password app from Google Play on Android - tap Install.
  2. Next, tap ACCEPT to accept the app permissions.

    How to download the Sticky Password app from Google Play on Android - tap Accept.
  3. In a few moments, Sticky Password will be successfully installed on your Android device. Tap OPEN to launch the application and finish up with the installation wizard.

    How to download the Sticky Password app from Google Play on Android - tap Open.

    Alternatively, after downloading Sticky Password, you can tap the colorful Sticky Password icon to launch the application and finish up with the installation wizard.

    How to download the Sticky Password app from Google Play on Android - run Sticky Password.

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