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How to transfer Sticky Password Premium to a new computer


To begin the installation, download the latest build of Sticky Password to your new computer. The installation file is available here:

Download the latest version of Sticky Password

During the installation, you will be prompted to connect to an existing StickyAccount – enter your StickyID and Master Password. This will connect your installation to your online StickyAccount and – as long as you are taking advantage of synchronization through the Sticky Password cloud – the passwords and other data in your encrypted database and license info will be imported automatically.

Sticky Password Free does not have the synchronization feature so it will be necessary to transfer the database manually. To transfer your passwords from your existing computer to the new computer, make a secure export of your password database (system tray icon – Open Sticky Password - Menu - Export) on your old computer and import the exported file to Sticky Password on the new computer (system tray icon – Open Sticky Password – Menu - Import).

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