The Sticky Password browser extension saves new data as you enter it and allows you to take full advantage of form-filling functionality, and also types your passwords for you when you log in to your favorite sites – so you don’t have to.
Installation of the Sticky Password extension on supported browsers is one of the steps in the First Run Wizard, but if you skipped it or if you need to add the extension to a browser at any time, just follow the steps shown below. With only a few quick steps, you can also install or re-install the extension manually directly from the application.
Click the Sticky Password icon in the lower right corner of your desktop to open the Sticky Password main window.
Or, open the application by double-clicking on its icon on your desktop.
Click the Menu button and select Settings.
Click the Supported browsers tab to reveal the list of the browsers Sticky Password supports on your computer. You'll recognize which browsers the Sticky Password extension is installed by the color logo and the Uninstall button. Conversely, the Sticky Password extension is not installed where you see the gray logo and the Install button.
Click the Install button corresponding to Google Chrome to launch a new browser tab in Chrome that makes it easy to install the new extension.
If the browser supports multiple profiles and more profiles are available, they will be displayed below the browser entry.
Click the Go to Chrome Web Store button.
Click the Add to Chrome button.
Click Add extension in order to install the Google Chrome extension.
The extension is now installed and you’ll be able see the Sticky Password icon in the Google Chrome toolbar. If you don’t see the icon, it may be hidden by the browser inside the Extension Menu. You can easily pin it to your browser toolbar.
When Sticky Password is unlocked, the icon is in full color. When Sticky Password is locked, the icon is gray.
You can also check the Sticky Password extension directly on the Extensions page in the Google Chrome browser. Click Menu icon – Tools – Extensions.
You can see that the new Sticky Password autofill extension has been installed and is enabled in your browser.
Click OK and Save.
If you’re having trouble with a browser extension, here are some things you can try before contacting support:
Restart Google Chrome, or try restarting your computer before reinstalling the extension.
Google Chrome sometimes leaves some chrome.exe processes open even when all the Google Chrome windows have been closed. Because of this, Sticky Password (and other programs) may not be able to install the necessary extension.
If you are experiencing this problem, open the Windows Task manager (you can use the key combination Ctrl+Shift+Esc) and close all the chrome.exe processes on the Processes tab (by clicking End Process for each chrome process) before attempting to install the extension again.
If the extension doesn´t work correctly or you are unable to install it, you may want to try disabling your antivirus or firewall to check if it isn't blocking the extension. If this solution helps, add an exception for Sticky Password to the problematic app. When you are finished, don’t forget to make sure to re-enable your AV (or firewall)!
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