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How to use Sticky Password in your browser

Windows, Mac

The Sticky Password extension menu in your browser makes your web browsing experience fast and easy. It gives you immediate access to your data securely stored in Sticky Password, and provides features like one-click automatic log in.

The Sticky Password toolbar icon

Once you have installed Sticky Password, an icon will appear in the toolbar of supported browsers. If you don’t see the icon, it may be hidden by the browser inside the Extension Menu. You can easily pin it to your browser toolbar.

  • A full color icon indicates that Sticky Password is unlocked and ready to assist you. Sticky Password toolbar icon in Chrome.
  • In Safari, the icon is displayed in dark gray when Sticky Password is unlocked. Sticky Password toolbar icon in Safari.
  • A light gray icon in all browsers on all platforms indicates that Sticky Password is locked and preventing unauthorized access to your data.

The Sticky Password extension menu

Click on the Sticky Password toolbar icon to reveal the extension menu.

  1. This Website tab

    Login in to your favorite websites via the convenient “This Website” tab.

    Sticky Password extension menu – This Website tab.

    • When you visit a website for which you have a Web Account saved in Sticky Password, the “This Website” tab will display the relevant login(s) and password(s).
    • When you visit a new website, the “This Website” tab lets you add new Web Accounts or new Bookmarks, quickly and easily.
  2. Web Accounts

    The “Web Accounts” tab provides a convenient overview of all your existing Accounts, allowing you easy searching, and direct automatic logins.

    Sticky Password extension menu – Web Accounts tab.

  3. Identities

    The “Identities” tab provides fast access to your personal data saved in your Identities.

    Sticky Password extension menu – Identities tab.


    The “Bookmarks” tab allows you to quickly search and launch your bookmarks saved in Sticky Password.

    Sticky Password extension menu – Bookmarks tab.

  5. Additional options

    • Open application – click to open the main Sticky Password application window.
    • My StickyAccount – display the details of your StickyAccount, where you can also open a new tab in your browser to login to your StickyAccount.

    Sticky Password extension menu – My StickyAccount tab.

    • Help – click to launch the Sticky Password Help Center in a new tab of your browser.
    • Lock – click to lock Sticky Password to prevent unauthorized access to your data.

Supported browsers

The extension menu can be found in the following browsers:


  • Google Chrome
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Brave
  • Opera
  • Chromium
  • Vivaldi
  • Comodo Dragon
  • Avast Secure Browser
  • Sidekick


  • Safari 12 or higher
  • Google Chrome
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Brave
  • Avast Secure Browser
  • Sidekick

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