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I have forgotten my Master Password, what can I do?

The Master Password is the password that you created during the installation and set-up of Sticky Password. It unlocks your encrypted password database and provides access to the data saved in Sticky Password. Your Master Password is not stored anywhere. If you have forgotten your Master Password, we are not able to ‘resend’ it to you, and it cannot be ‘reset’ in order to regain access to your StickyAccount.

Your Master Password

Here are a few reminders that may help you remember it, or enter it accurately. Your Master Password:

  • is the password you created when you installed Sticky Password
  • is case sensitive
  • If you know your Master Password and want to change it, please go here

Make sure that your keyboard settings are the same as when you created the Master Password. This includes checking the CapsLock key, NumLock and any other settings that would affect the keyboard layout. To see your Master Password as you type it when unlocking Sticky Password, be sure to use the eye icon on the right of the input field.

It is NOT possible to recover a lost Master Password.

We at Sticky Password do not have access to your Master Password. For security purposes, it is not stored anywhere. For this reason, it is not possible to recover a lost Master Password.

If you have forgotten your Master Password, you will not be able to retrieve your passwords and logins from the encrypted database or access your StickyAccount, anymore. It will be necessary to reset your StickyAccount and reinstall Sticky Password on all your devices as follows:

  1. Reset your StickyAccount

    Resetting your StickyAccount and database will delete all your Sticky Password data tied to this StickyID and cannot be undone. The terms of your License will carry over to your new StickyAccount as long as you keep the same email address (your StickyID) in the following steps.

    Your Master Password also protects access to your StickyAccount which holds your License, list of Trusted Devices and encrypted cloud backups (if you are taking advantage of this feature). For this reason, it is necessary to reset your online StickyAccount.

    To reset your StickyAccount click the following link, where you will be prompted to enter your StickyID (registered email address). Then you will receive an email with a special security code that you will need to enter in order to verify your identity and the reset request.

    Reset my online StickyAccount and delete my password database

  2. Reinstall Sticky Password on your primary device

    After performing a reset of your online StickyAccount:

    • uninstall the Sticky Password application from your primary device without saving data (see below)
    • reinstall it and CREATE A NEW StickyAccount using the same e-mail address (your StickyID) that you had previously. In this way, the terms of your License will carry over to your new StickyAccount. In this step you will be prompted to create a new password database with a new Master Password.
  3. Reinstall Sticky Password on all additional devices

    Once you have reinstalled Sticky Password on your primary device, you’ll need to reinstall on your other devices:

    • uninstall the Sticky Password application from all your other devices without saving data (see below)
    • reinstall it and CONNECT TO EXISTING StickyAccount using the same e-mail address (your StickyID) again.

How to uninstall the application from your device without saving data

  • On Windows — when uninstalling the application be sure to click ‘NO’ when prompted to store data (“Do you want to store the data?).
  • On Android and iOS — uninstall the application (all data are automatically removed during uninstallation).
  • On Mac — launch the application and navigate to the Sticky Password status bar in the upper part of your screen — File — Reset password database.

You can also contact our customer support from your e-mail address (StickyID) by sending an email to [email protected] Our support team will help you to reset your StickyAccount, and assist you with the steps to take to begin using Sticky Password with a new Master Password.

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